snehalodhaby Ghumledunia💎Top Contributor

31 Deep Questions To Ask If You Really Want To Know Someone

 Are you an introvert and doesn't know how to start deep conversation? Then this article is perfect for you.

31 Deep Questions To Ask If You Really Want To Know Someone

Post by @astroniverse_com
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  1. 1. Which parent are you closer to and why?

  2. I am not close to my parents. However I love my ancestors and want to make them continue their journey after their death by not destroying the significance of their birth.

  3. I strongly believe that the life and strengths we have in our lives are the gift of our ancestors from paternal and maternal sides. And we don't know how many problems they faced while creating the lineage.

  4. 2. What are your thoughts on online dating or Tinder?

  5. I believe online dating like Tinder, can be a valuable way to meet people. Just like any other way of making a connection. It provides opportunities for connections that might not happen organically.

  6. However I don't use such sites for anything because I think my connections can something magical stuff in the air and I don't use my power for others.

  7. 3. What’s on your bucket list this year?

  8. On my bucket list this year, I aspire to motivate 5 members of my family and relatives to start something new when it comes to running a business.

  9. Achieving these milestones will bring a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. You know we are from Marwari Family and are born to rule.

  10. 4. How would you describe your best friend?

  11. My best friend is someone who gets motivated by my creations and starts implementing similar plans for himself. Our friendship is built on mutual respect and shared experiences.

  12. 5. What do you think of best friends of the opposite sex?

  13. I believe that best friends of the opposite sex can share deep, platonic connections. Gender doesn't determine the strength or authenticity of a friendship.

  14. 6. What makes you feel accomplished?

  15. Accomplishment, for me, comes from creating a personal family with at least 2 kids and creating a space for them where they can complete their professional goals while motivating other family members instead of taking advantage of own family.

  16. 7. How do you feel about sharing your password with your partner?

  17. I believe in maintaining personal privacy, but in a trusting relationship, sharing certain passwords can symbolize transparency and openness.

  18. 8. What was the best phase in your life?

  19. The best phase in my life was when I completed my education since now I have complete freedom. It is a time of growth, joy, and meaningful connections.

  20. 9. Would you still love your spouse if they were diagnosed with a terminal disease?

  21. Yes, I would continue to love and support my spouse unconditionally through challenging times, including a terminal illness. However I will also ensure that the family is already created and if not I have to start the plans for creation.

  22. 10. What qualities do you admire about your parents?

  23. I admire the way they live a private life. Their resilience, kindness, and wisdom have shaped me into the person I am today.

  24. 11. What are some of your favorite songs?

  25. There is actually no song that is my favorite. I particularly like majority of songs if I understand the lyrics.

  26. 12. What was the worst phase in your life?

  27. There is no worse phrase. It is always a good phrase it just depends on the stress we are ready to handle. Life is constantly changing and when we are not ready to except the change we call it bad phase.

  28. 13. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done, and would you do it again?

  29. I don't do crazy things.

  30. 14. If a genie granted you three wishes right now, what would you wish for?

  31. My three wishes would be to create a huge temple with the idols of me and my family members, give birth two children, start a huge event management company around the world. These dreams revolve around personal fulfillment, making a positive impact, and creating lasting happiness.

  32. 15. Does your job make you happy?

  33. Well I don't do a job for others. I live my life for my family since it brings happiness in our lives. I find purpose and satisfaction in the work I do.

  34. 16. What’s the one thing you would like to change about yourself?

  35. If I could change one thing about myself, it would be nothing. I am perfectly amazing and people wish to live my life.

  36. 17. Would you ever take back someone who cheated?

  37. Forgiveness is complex, and the decision would depend on various factors, including remorse, communication, and the strength of the relationship.

  38. 18. What is a relationship dealbreaker for you?

  39. A dealbreaker for me in a relationship is selfish motive and intention that is reflects through eyes and words.

  40. 19. Are you more into looks or brains?

  41. I value intelligence however the world is filled with dumb people. Physical attraction is important, but intellectual compatibility adds depth to a relationship.

  42. 20. When do you think a girl is ready for marriage?

  43. A girl is ready for marriage when she understands that she is used by another person and their family for money care and they expect her to donate money to their family in charity.

  44. 21. Is what you’re doing now what you always wanted to do growing up?

  45. We are too immature to understand that most people are living their life in illusion. My current path doesn't align with the way I used to think before.

  46. For instance marriage is not the starting but an ending to a girl's life. And guys have always took advantage of girl's life by using her time and money in creating another families.

  47. 22. Have you ever lost someone close to you?

  48. Yes, I have experienced the loss of someone close. It's a challenging part of life that shapes our perspectives and emphasizes the importance of relationships.

  49. 23. If you are in a bad mood, do you prefer to be left alone or have someone to cheer you up?

  50. It depends on the situation. Sometimes I prefer solitude, while other times, having someone to cheer me up is comforting.

  51. 24. What’s the one thing that people always misunderstand about you?

  52. People often think I don't understand things and can easily fall in trap. However I don't have issue with that because that is how I avoid the attention of negative people.

  53. 25. What is your idea of a perfect vacation, and why?

  54. My perfect vacation involves a family trip with network so that we can enjoy nature, relax, try hiking, and explore culture.

  55. 26. When was the last time you broke someone’s heart?

  56. I always do that. Breaking someone's heart is easy, then giving them false hope.

  57. 27. Would you relocate for love?

  58. Yes, I would consider relocating for love if the connection is strong, and both partners and the family are willing to make the necessary adjustments.

  59. 28. What did you want to be when you were younger?

  60. When I was younger, I actually didn't had much dream. I wanted to get married and have kids. Since I came from an average family that is the perfect dream for a girl. However my dreams have changed since I look at life differently.

  61. 29. What kind of parent do you think you will be?

  62. As a parent I will guide my kids to always have reports before adding someone in family. I will also guide them the correct way to look for a partner is by not looking outside the religion. Always start a family without breaking the home of own siblings and relatives since the process can continue.

  63. 30. Do you judge a book by its cover?

  64. I am great at understanding people and I actually don't look at the person to understand what is in their mind. For instance if you say 220 or 40. I won't just look at the numbers. I will look at the pattern and intention behind putting those numbers.

  65. 31. What’s your biggest regret in life?

  66. I don't regret anything and am extremely proud of my decisions.

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