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Top 20 Health Benefits of Camel Pose | Complete Do's and Don'ts of Camel Pose

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Camel pose, also known as Ustrasana, is done on the knees. It is an exercise of bending backward while stretching your entire front body. It is usually tried as training for extensive back-bends.

Camel pose is an important posture to stretch while performing several other yoga forms. It is one of the Bikram yoga poses performed around the world.

Ustrasana is a Sanskrit word which means Camel pose in English. Those who suffer from neck and back ache should perform this pose every day. These pain are usually caused because of driving or sitting in front of the laptop for a long period of time.

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Top 20 Health Benefits of Camel Pose

Camel pose is not only energizing but also spiritually moving yoga pose. It is important to understand your body’s need throughout the posture. In case you lack breath while doing this pose or becomes painful, take some rest.

You need to calm your thoughts in order to stay aware your breath a situation. Just like the camel, this pose can take you on a trip to unknown and interesting parts of your body.

Camel Pose, also known as Ustrasana in Sanskrit, is a popular yoga asana that offers numerous health benefits. Here are the top 20 health benefits of Camel Pose:

1. Strengthen your hip flexors

Camel pose will mainly make you stretch your body parts like chest, belly, and quadriceps. It will also strengthen your hip flexors.

The pose stretches the entire front body, including the hips, thighs, abdomen, and chest, promoting flexibility in these areas.

2. Boosts spinal stretching ability

This pose enhances your posture and boosts spinal stretching ability.

Camel Pose involves a backbend that stretches and strengthens the neck and spine, increasing flexibility and reducing stiffness.

3. Improves posture and digestion

It strengthens the back muscles, improves digestion and relieves respiratory problems.

The deep compression of the abdomen in Camel Pose stimulates the digestive organs, promoting healthy digestion and relieving constipation.

4. Stimulates the kidneys

This pose will boost your breathing ability by making space in between your chest and lungs. It also stimulates the kidneys.

5. Reduces stress and fatigue

It will energize your body and mind while reducing stress and fatigue.

Camel Pose opens the chest and encourages deep breathing, which can help calm the mind and reduce anxiety and stress.

6. Good for heart and throat chakras

This pose is known as heart opener. It will stimulate your 4th and 5th chakras, which are situated at the heart and throat areas.

Camel Pose helps in stretching the front of the body, opening the chest, and lengthening the spine, which can lead to improved posture over time.

7. Increased flexibility and Stronger back muscles

Camel Pose strengthens and tones the muscles of the back, including the erector spinae, which helps in maintaining a healthy back.

8. Enhanced Hormonal balance

The pose stimulates the thyroid and parathyroid glands, helping to regulate hormonal function in the body.

9. Improved lung capacity

The opening of the chest in Camel Pose allows for deeper breathing, increasing lung capacity and oxygen intake.

10. Increased energy levels

The pose energizes the body by stretching and stimulating the entire front body, helping to alleviate fatigue and increase vitality.

11. Reduced lower back pain

Camel Pose strengthens the muscles of the lower back and provides a gentle stretch, which can help alleviate lower back pain.

12. Relief from menstrual discomfort

The pose can help relieve menstrual discomfort by stretching the abdomen and pelvis and promoting healthy blood flow to the reproductive organs.

13. Reduced anxiety and Improved circulation

The deep backbend in Camel Pose increases blood flow throughout the body, improving circulation and promoting overall health.

14. Enhanced kidney function

The pose provides a gentle massage to the kidneys, helping to improve their function and detoxification processes.

15. Strengthened shoulders and arms

The pose engages the muscles of the shoulders and arms, promoting strength and stability in these areas.

16. Improved neck flexibility and Relief from respiratory ailments

The pose opens up the chest and improves lung capacity, which can help alleviate respiratory ailments such as asthma and bronchitis.

17. Enhanced focus and concentration

The combination of deep breathing and stretching in Camel Pose helps to calm the mind, improve focus, and enhance concentration.

18. Increased self-confidence and Emotional release

The pose requires opening the heart and exposing oneself, which can help build self-confidence and promote a positive self-image.

The deep backbend in Camel Pose can sometimes release stored emotions, providing a cathartic experience and promoting emotional well-being.

19. Improved balance

Camel Pose challenges balance and coordination, helping to improve these skills over time.

20. Strengthened core muscles

The pose engages the muscles of the abdomen and lower back, promoting core strength and stability.

Always practice yoga poses under the guidance of a qualified yoga instructor, especially if you're a beginner or have any pre-existing health conditions.

Most people have these chakras closed because of lowered chins, bad posture and slouching. Thus, performing camel pose can make you an emotional, if you lack emotion. You will able to trust people and love freely. However, it vital to control your thoughts and anger while performing any yoga pose. You should not get emotional as it will make your body stiff and result in injury.

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Cautions For Beginners

Follow the steps gently, be cautious about the situation and let your body get flexible and wide. People who are suffering from the following should not do camel pose:
  1. Low back or neck injury
  2. High/low blood pressure
  3. Sleeping issues
  4. Migraine
You should always know your limits while practicing any pose. You should regularly ask your doctor prior to performing it if you have any medical problem. Camel pose is an amazing way to make spine more flexible. But, it is significant to understand the proper way to do it avoiding wound and pain.

You should never push yourself to do a pose when your body is paining while doing so. Perform the steps of this pose in which your body is helping you gain flexibility and strength. Within weeks, you will be able to go deeper safely.

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Instructions For Beginners

You should kneel upright. Move your thighs inward. Keep your knees hip-space aside. Avoid lowering your buttocks. Let the top of your feet get pressed on the ground. Take your hands on the backside of the pelvis. Let the fingers point towards the ground. Extend the tailbone downward towards the ground. Broaden the backside of your pelvis. Lean backward.

Keep your chin a bit closer to your chest. For the first timers, keep your hands on your back pelvis, if you feel uncomfortable. However, if you can, then reach your back.
  • Try to grab both of your heels with your palms.
  • Your thumbs should be outside of both the foot and your fingers should point towards your toes.
  • Your thighs should be upright to the ground.
  • Rest your hips on your knees.
  • In case it is hard to hold your heels without getting pain in your low back, then push your toes to raise your heels.
  • Raise from your pelvis.
  • Spin your arms outside without pressing your shoulder blades.
Your face should be in neutral point. You can alternatively drop it back without hurting your neck. Stay in this position for at least 30 seconds as a beginner. While releasing, slowly bring back your hands to front hips. Raise your torso by putting your hips down on the ground. Finally, move your head up. Then, you can relax in Corpse pose.

Simple Changes To Get Best Variation of Camel Pose

  • In case it is hard for you to grab your feet with your hands, then push your toes to raise your heels.
  • To get a stronger test, press your thighs, calves, and inward feet together all through the stance.
  • To receive a stronger opening in the trunk, shoulders, and arms, cross your lower arms and grab hold of the opposite lower legs.


When done properly, camel pose can benefit your entire body.

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Points To Remember When Performing Camel Pose

  • When performing back-bends, it is important to make space in your vertebrae. Be cautious, avoid crumbling or crunching into the pose.
  • Your pelvis should be stable while lengthening the sternum up.
  • You should follow the steps slowly. Avoid going deeper when your body starts paining.
  • Slowly move your tailbone in the front while pushing backward your thighs front side.
  • This act will neutralize your pelvis as you raise by lengthening your spine. You don’t have to compress your spine while leaning back.

Tips For Beginners

  • To understand the situation of your hips, thighs, and bone, perform it in front of a wall.
  • While kneeling down, your thighs should be touching the wall. You should push your pubic bone against it.
  • While starting back-bend, try leaning back as much as you really can. Don’t force yourself. You should press your thighs towards the wall while doing so.
  • Your thighs should move away from the wall while trying to hold your heels. It is even significant than touching heels, to rest your hips on your knees.
  • Be cautious. Avoid bringing your head so much backward that your neck starts to pain. You should always try to keep your neck secure while practicing this pose.

To perform Ustrasana, or Camel Pose, follow these steps:

  1. Begin by kneeling on the yoga mat with your knees hip-width apart.
  2. Place your hands on your hips, with your thumbs on the sacrum and fingers pointing down.
  3. Inhale as you engage your core muscles and lift your chest upward.
  4. Exhale and gently start to lean back, reaching your hands toward your heels.
  5. Keep your hips over your knees and press your shins and feet into the mat.
  6. If it feels comfortable, you can reach one hand at a time to grasp the heels.
  7. Keep your neck in a neutral position or drop your head back if it's comfortable for your neck.
  8. Hold the pose for a few breaths, then slowly come back to an upright position.

Listen to your body and only go as far as feels comfortable for you. It's important to practice this pose under the guidance of a qualified yoga instructor, especially if you're new to it or have any existing health concerns.

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Contents 🔽
 ➡ Top 20 Health Benefits of Camel Pose
 ➡ Cautions For Beginners
 ➡ Instructions For Beginners
 ➡ Changes To Get Best Variation of Camel Pose
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