snehalodhaby Ghumledunia💎Top Contributor

24 ULTIMATE Ecommerce Marketing Templates for 2024

Every piece of content you’ll EVER need to sell your products effectively online…

If you have an ecommerce store, or want to sell your products anywhere online, then your content will be the golden key to getting more traffic and conversions. When you’re not an experienced copywriter, it can be tricky to know where to begin — so we’ve created our essential ecommerce template collection to help you make more online sales.

In this highly practical guide, you’ll get 24 templates all tailored to help you sell online. Write perfect Landing page copy, craft high performing YouTube descriptions, and create traffic-generating Twitter and Facebook ads that SELL.

This is the ONLY guide you’ll require to start selling online as it contains every example template, you’ll need to get started on your ecommerce journey.

Whether you want to create high conversion landing pages, reach out to influencers to get more publicity, or send email marketing that converts — our easy-to-follow templates will help simplify your task.

We’ve put 100% into creating this resource for you so you can save time, money, and hours spent pulling out your hair trying to create content!
With our essential ecommerce marketing templates, you get:
● PRO Ecommerce Templates for social media — promote your products more effectively with Facebook, Twitter Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube!!
● High converting Landing page and product description templates — PLUS get a PERFECT Press Release template to snag more coverage for your product launches
● Email marketing templates that SELL — handle one of the most important aspects of ecommerce marketing — email — quickly and effectively!!
● Outreach templates — get influencers to promote your products and snap up popular guest blog spots
● PLUS: Essential tips to promote your ecommerce products on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and more!!!

Learn how to create content that persuades, attracts, and CONVERTS with our expert templates that you customise to suit your own products.
Discover what you need to do and WHY with easy step by step templates — then save hours of time by quickly tweaking them so they fit your needs exactly.

Take a quick look at why ecommerce marketing is so important….

What IS Ecommerce Marketing?

Ecommerce Marketing is aimed at attracting organic traffic and persuading browsers to convert to buyers that purchase from your online store. It relies on using content like email marketing to landing pages, and social media promotion to build buzz about your brand and promote and sell your products.

Having a solid ecommerce strategy in place helps you win more customers and drive greater consumer loyalty. If you create powerful and persuasive marketing campaigns, more people will hear about and connect with your brand, boosting your sales, followers, and customer conversions.

We’ve created a selection of the most essential ecommerce marketing templates tailored for promoting physical ecommerce products. Whether you’re selling soaps or sneakers, you can quickly customize these tried and tested blueprints to suit your own needs and can use them to attract and convert more custom.

One of the MOST important aspects of e-commerce promotion — Email Marketing.

Email Marketing

By far one of the most effective ways to persuade, email marketing offers a HUGE advantage over social media posts as it offers people a more personal experience. 

If you can master the art of email marketing, by structuring your content well and appealing to different groups of subscribers, you should see a big boost in sales, particularly with regards to repeat customers.

Subscriber Welcome Email Template

You should have a well-prepared email welcome template ready to be sent out automatically, as soon as you get a new blog, mailing list, or website subscriber. You might think that because it’s a welcome, you shouldn’t push your products right away, but your email welcome still needs to be angled to sell, even if it doesn’t do it directly.

Before we take a look at a successful subscriber welcome blueprint, there are 3 key pieces of information that should be present in every single welcome email you send out…

3 Essential Elements of every successful Subscriber Welcome Email

  1. Give them a warm welcome. Your welcome should make your subscribers feel rewarded and appreciated for taking action to subscribe and should also assure them that they won’t receive any spam. You can also present your subscribers with an initial discount code to encourage them to purchase. If you advertise this discount code as a sign up incentive, you can entice more subscribers too!

2. Then tell people what to expect next. Now you’ve got them signed up, let them know what kind of communication they’ll be receiving from you, and approximately how often. Keep the focus on the benefits to them, will you be sending regular money saving offers for example, or quick guides with
essential tips on a particular topic?

3. Finally, include a brief call-to-action. Even in your email welcome, you should NEVER leave out a call to action. Instead of asking people to purchase, or directing them to your products, in your email welcome it’s better to ask them for their feedback, direct them to your latest blog post, or, if you are running a competition, point them to where they can take part. Often e-commerce stores offer their new subscribers a highly time-limited offer that’s exclusively for new sign ups. If you can offer something like this, you should definitely mention this at the end.

The structure of an effective subscriber welcome email.

Step 1: Subject Line
Your subject line should be short, snappy, and exciting, i.e.

“Thanks for subscribing — here’s what’s next…”

“Welcome on board — Download Free Ebook Here”

Step 2: Intro, thanks, and welcome.

A warm welcome to the [Astroniverse]’s family!
We really appreciate you joining us by signing up for our [Medium SUBSCRIBER NEWSLETTER] and want to assure you that we’ll protect your data and will never spam you.


To say thanks for signing up, we wanted to give you your exclusive subscriber discount code — just quote [Astroniverse20%] and receive [a 20% discount off your first purchase!]

Step 3: Now let them know what to expect.

Now remind people why they should remain a subscriber by letting them know what to expect. As a rule of thumb, it’s a good idea to list 3 benefits of subscribing to your newsletter if you can.

Don’t list any more than 3 benefits though, otherwise people will get confused, or won’t take the time to read. If you include any less, you might leave them wondering why they bothered to sign up.

“Soon you’ll receive your very first subscriber newsletter, which you can expect in your inbox every [week/month].

Inside you’ll find…

  1. List a benefit of your newsletter (i.e., Our top 3 marketing tips of the week/month etc…)
  2. List another benefit (i.e., Our Product of the Week recommendation)
  3. List another benefit (i.e., An exclusive subscriber offer/ link to your latest vlog etc…)
    We may also send you some personalised offers we think might be of interest, so you don’t miss out. Don’t worry, we won’t spam and will only send these occasionally.”

Step 4: Short call to action — with incentive

Your call to action needs to be persuasive, punchy, and effective, and should directly ask people to take an action. Ideally it should also offer an incentive, like a timelimited exclusive subscriber discount, free bonus, or a competition prize.

[INSERT DETAILS OF ACTION YOU WANT THEM TO TAKE i.e., Leave a comment on our latest blog [] and [you could be in with the chance of winning [PRIZE]. [We’ll be picking a random winner every [month] — and if you’re the lucky one, we’ll notify you by email.]

Don’t forget to send us feedback on our products, vlog, or anything else, as it’s always appreciated, and you’ll be helping to shape our brand.

Limited Time Subscriber Only Email Offer

Time- limited, subscriber only offers are a great way to up the urgency and encourage people to purchase when you have a product to promote. Everyone loves a deep discount, these types of emails are a fantastic weapon to have in your e-commerce arsenal, when you want to move some units.

In this instance, it’s best to opt for a short teaser style email that outlines the main benefits quickly, presses on subscriber pain points, and leaves people wanting to find out more.

REMEMBER: DON’T overdo it, the aim is to evoke intrigue and use desire to reel your readers in.

Always ask people to take action at the end by directing them to where they can purchase the product and remind them that your offer is time-limited and exclusive, i.e., subscriber only, as this acts as a BIG incentive to purchase.

There’s a power combo you can use in your email offers, to encourage massive interest — SALE with a percentage discount, i.e. SALE 20%. People are hugely incentivized to act when they see this, and including this in your time-limited subscriber offer will definitely draw their attention.

Take a look at the structure of a high-converting Time Limited Subscriber Only Offer…

STEP 1: Your Introduction.

Keep the focus on the main desire or fear your subscribers have, whether that’s to lose weight, become savvier at marketing, or regain their hair.
Hi there, we just had to get in touch, as we know you are going to want to hear all about our exciting news!
We’re currently offering [PRODUCT THAT’S ON OFFER i.e., Grow Again] at a super-deep discount of [DISCOUNT PERCENTAGE] for [TIME-LIMITED PERIOD] ONLY to [INSERT DETAILS i.e. our beloved email subscribers.]

When you’re [struggling to regain your hair] it can feel impossible at times, but now there IS a solution — one that’s [highly affordable, and effective with fast results.]

Step 2: Outline your product’s main benefit

Remember to press on their pain point here. We know just how difficult it is when you’re [struggling with hair loss.] It can make you feel [depressed] and [seriously underconfident] but the good news is, it doesn’t have to be that way!

Step 3: Now let people know why they need to purchase.

Don’t put up with [unwanted hair loss] anymore, take action
to [get your hair back.]

[90% of customers have testified they’ve seen results in under 6 months] — [Grow Again] lets you solve the problem of [hair loss] effectively and FAST!

Step 4: Ask them to take action — remember, keep it short!

Our [50%] offer is SUBSCRIBER ONLY and will end on [END DATE OF OFFER]. To snap up [our high-
performance hair growth solution] at an incredible [50% off] hurry over to [INSERT LINK] right away!!!

Here’s to [regaining your hair],

[CA Neha Agarwal]

Sales Letter Template For Ecommerce Products

Sales letters will be an invaluable tool in promoting your ecommerce products- but there’s an art to getting them right. Throughout your content, you should always keep the focus on getting the reader to purchase, but before people will take that essential step, there are several stages you must move them through.

To simplify things, there is a handy 4-step formula you can keep in mind when creating your sales letter.
It’s the AIDA formula and it stands for:

1. Attract — Grab their attention with an interesting and enticing hook.
2. Interest — Now you’ve got their interest you can add some intrigue to keep
them reading.
3. Desire — Here’s where you press on pain points or dangle an irresistible offer.
4. Action — Make it simple for your readers to take action with a persuasive ask.
AIDA is a highly effective formula, but you might be wondering how each of thesestages all come together in one sales letter?
Take a look at each of the steps, so you can see what a sales letter looks like
that uses the high-performance AIDA formula.


Hook your reader’s interest by pressing on a pain point, desire, or fear, by using an eye-catching header. Asking a question is a great opener, as it encourages interaction.

Do you find it difficult to [INSERT PROBLEM i.e lose weight and keep it off?]

I’m [CA Neha Lodha] from [YOUR BRAND] the [WHAT YOUR BRAND DOES] specialists, and I just had to let you know all about [our latest launch offer.]


Are you still struggling [to lose weight?]

CA Neha Agarwal has over 10+ years of scientific research behind all our weight loss products.] As you’ve [INSERT REASON FOR CONTACT i.e signed up to our weight loss mailing list] we wanted to [INSERT NEWS i.e let you know we’re launching our newest supplement] which [INSERT TEASER DETAILS i.e contains our revolutionary DietMax formula].

Now you want to ensure they keep reading — so tease them that you have the answer to their problem. Don’t reveal all just yet and make sure to use emotion.
[Trying out endless diets can feel [tiring and disheartening] but now, there’s a cost effective solution to the problem of [shedding the pounds] — that can deliver [ 30% excess fat burning] in [just 6 weeks].

Step 3: DESIRE
Here’s where you need to make your readers desire your solution enough to want to take action. Outline the benefits and include social proof or research backed data where you can.
When you’re [heavier than you’d like] it can make you feel [under confident and depressed]. You might envy those who [are in shape] and feel [frustrated that you are unable to lose weight successfully.]

[PRODUCT NAME] has been developed to combat the issue of [INSERT PROBLEM i.e excess weight] effectively and [INSERT CLAIM i.e., with no side effects.]

[INSERT SOCIAL PROOF OR RESEARCH BACKED CLAIM HERE i.e 90% of research participants lost 30% of their excess fat in just six weeks] — and now, you can too!

Step 4: Your Call to Action.
Your call to action should give readers a reason to purchase immediately. It must be highly emotive and should have a sense of urgency, so people feel compelled to take action.
For a limited time only you can purchase [INSERT PRODUCT DETAILS] for [INSERT OFFER i.e the unbeatable price of X]
There’s no risk — and if you’re not 100% satisfied you [INSERT GUARANTEE i.e., will receive a full refund, no questions asked.]
Now you don’t have to [INSERT PROBLEM REMINDER i.e struggle with ineffective and expensive diet solutions] — as with [PRODUCT NAME] you can [INSERT DESIRE i.e quickly see results and lose your excess fat fast.]
Grab your exclusive opportunity to purchase [PRODUCT NAME] at [INSERT
DISCOUNT/ OR PRICE] right now at [INSERT YOUR LINK] and say goodbye to [INSERT ISSUE i.e ineffective diets forever.]
Here’s to [INSERT GAIN i.e shedding the flab (and keeping it off)]

[Neha Agarwal]
[Chartered Accountant]
[Married To CA Ashish Agarwal]

Website Copy For Ecommerce

Your website copy is extremely important as it is one of the first things people will see when they engage with your brand. For ecommerce products, you’ll need to direct people who click on your ads to a landing page that’s short, punchy, and

It can be hard to structure website copy, but if you have an effective blueprint to hand, that covers all the essential elements, it’s actually a simple task. With that in mind, take a look at the structure of a Landing Page that CONVERTS, using a handy template that you can customize to suit your own e-commerce requirements.

Landing Page Template For Ecommerce

Step 1: Header
Your header needs to let people quickly know what they’ll receive if they purchase.
Ideally it should contain a promise that can be fulfilled in a set amount of time, as people respond better to specific guarantees.
The following are all examples of headers that work:
[INSERT GOAL i.e., Lose 10 lbs in 6 weeks] with the [INSERT CLAIM i.e. No1
rated Diet Supplement]
[INSERT GOAL i.e. Get control over your home security etc…] with our [INSERT DESCRIPTIVE WORD i.e cutting edge] [INSERT PRODUCT TYPE i.e. monitoring solutions]
[INSERT PRODUCT TYPE i.e. Advanced Hair Loss Solution] to [INSERT PROMISE i.e. regain hair FAST]
[INSERT CUSTOMER DESIRE i.e Detox your body] in under [INSERT TIME
Step 2: Insert an early Call to Action
When it comes to your landing page, you should ALWAYS aim to put an extra call to action early on in your copy — so people who won’t read through your entire page can quickly see where to buy.

“GET [INSERT CLAIM i.e your hair back in 3 months] with [PRODUCT NAME i.e
Grow Gain Hair Loss Solutions]!!”
Now insert some social proof:
[INSERT SOCIAL PROOF i.e Join over 20,000 satisfied customers]
Enjoy [INSERT CLAIM i.e the power of scientifically proven active ingredients etc…]
Then say:
and [INSERT CUSTOMER DESIRE i.e. detoxify your body effectively.]

Step 3: Testimonials and credentials

Have you been recommended by any popular websites or influencers, or have you worked with any celebrities? Maybe your product is already popular, or uses the latest scientifically proven ingredients , or perhaps you have particular experience in your field?
If so, this is the point in your copy where you should mention your credentials, and if possible a brief, but powerful customer testimonial, preferably with a photo.
Alternatively, you could display the logos of companies or people you’ve worked with.
Providing social proof gives your customers a reason to purchase as it helps you to differentiate from the competition and tells them why they should buy this particular product from YOU.
Remember people are looking for reasons NOT to purchase — your job is to make your product so irresistible they simply can’t pass up the chance to buy.
You might say something like:
[INSERT PRODUCT NAME ] is made with] [INSERT STAT i.e 99% active organic ingredients] and [INSERT ADDITIONAL BENEFIT i.e is sourced from sustainable farms]
The[INSERT CLAIM i.e most effective/ talked about] [diet solution] on [INSERT PLATFORM i.e Facebook]

Recommended as the [INSERT DETAILS i.e most effective hair loss solution] by [CA Neha Agarwal]

Step 4: Outline the benefits in some more detail.
Keep it brief and keep the focus on what your customers will get from using your product. Instead of telling them how great your product is, tell them how their lives will be improved by using it.
If you’re giving away any bonuses with purchase, you can also include details of those in this section.

[PRODUCT NAME] will give you:
● [INSERT BENEFIT i.e 30% hair regrowth within 4 weeks]
● [INSERT BENEFIT i.e safely regain your hair and your confidence]
● [INSERT BENEFIT i.e enjoy a 50% fuller head of hair within 6 weeks!]
If you are giving away any with purchase bonuses you might add something like:
PLUS get [INSERT DETAILS i.e 1 bottle free] when you purchase by [TIME

Step 5: Remind them why they should buy from YOU.
This section is important, particularly if you’re selling an item that’s expensive. No matter what you are promoting, and regardless of the cost of your item though, you should always include a brief reminder of why people should purchase from your brand.
As a rule of thumb, the more costly your product, the longer this section might need to be.

We’ve [spent 10+ years developing our all natural hair loss solution] and [ our [ growth supplements] are recommended by [CA Neha Agarwal].

Our [PRODUCT TYPE i.e hair loss solutions] have been highly recommended by [Neha]

[All our supplements use sustainably sourced active ingredients
and contain zero toxins and parabens etc…]

Now finish by tying your brand to the benefits you KNOW they want:

With our [diet supplements] you can [lose weight safely] without having to worry about [toxic chemicals and side effects.]
Step 6: Limited Time Call to Action
Now tie it all up with a punchy and persuasive call to action, which reminds people 
why they need to purchase right now. To encourage people to buy, include a time-

limited discount, as it’s one of the easiest ways to invoke the sense of urgency that should be present in any good call to action.

Are you still [using chemical laden products etc..]?
Why continue to [damage your health etc…] when there is an
effective solution to the problem of [toxin laden ingredients
Purchase [PRODUCT NAME] at [50% off] only until stocks
run out!!!


Now remind them of the urgency:

This offer will only be available until [until stocks last] so grab yours today and [reach your goal weight in just 6 weeks!]
Step 7: Optional Bonus Reminder.
If you’re giving away a time-limited or exclusive bonus with purchase, you might want to add another reminder after your call to action.
EXCLUSIVE BONUS!!!!! When you [INSERT BONUS CONDITION i.e purchase by [INSERT DATE] you get [INSERT BONUS DETAILS i.e 1 bottle free]!!! This offer won’t last forever, so grab your [INSERT DETAILS i.e bottle today]!

Product descriptions for your ecommerce store

Product descriptions are a key part of your ecommerce arsenal as they play a major role in browser conversions on your online store.
A great product description should perform 4 crucial functions…
1. Lure customers in with a tempting description — so that they DESIRE your product
2. Outline the BENEFITS of your product — so customers see how it solves their problem
3. Overcome any potential customer objections — so that they are influenced to BUY
4. Persuade customers that they NEED your product — so that they take ACTION and purchase

Don’t forget the importance of SEO…

SEO is an important element of creating a high performing product description, as you want to make sure potential customers can find your item when they search online . Product descriptions are a great place to incorporate niche long tail keywords and phrases — ideally you should use the kind of search terms your target demographic will be looking up.
Your search terms MUST be relevant to your product, so you have to know your audience. It helps to know why they need your product, as then you can choose more relevant search terms. To find great keywords that people are already looking up, check out the Google Search Suggest by typing in a topic closely related to your product.
You can also find niche long tail keyword phrases using Moz’s Keyword Explorer tool, which is great for discovering suggestions that are highly relevant to your product. If you’re selling sofas for example, Moz might suggest wipe clean sofas, fire resistant sofas, PU leather sofas etc…

Use the selection of keywords you grab from Google Search or Moz to experiment with your product descriptions. If you have Google Analytics installed on your website, you can then see which ones have a higher conversion rate in the Google Search Console.

Know your Audience…
Here are some questions that will help you hone your copy details, so you write a killer product description…
Who is your target customer? — This is an important question to ask, so you identify who your product is for.
When will they be using your product? — is it meant to be used all the time, at night etc…?
Where will they be using it? — is it for indoors or outside? At home or in the car?
Why should they buy from YOU? — what does your product offer them that’s better or different than the competition?
How does your product work? — You won’t need to ask this for every product, but for certain things, you may need to get a bit technical. If you do need to go into some technical details, present this kind of information using bullet points, so customers don’t get overwhelmed.
The best product descriptions tell a story, the what, why, how, and who of why someone should purchase. It starts out with intrigue and finishes with a persuasive call to action, so customers can’t help but add your item to their carts.
6 Top tips for creating effective product descriptions that score highly on Google
Keep it between 200–300 words — customers have short attention spans, so don’t bore them with a wall of text. At the same time, don’t give too few details, they need enough information to persuade them to purchase.
Make every description unique — just like the rest of your content, to do well in Google search, every product description you create needs to be totally original.
Play up the benefits to the customer — tell them why they need YOUR product to solve their problem or get to their goal.
Answer any questions they may have — Customers need to know what your product does, how it works, how they should use it, and what it’s made from. To find out what questions your customers want answered, consider installing a chatbot on your product pages, so you can see what people are asking. You can then tailor your descriptions, so they answer these queries, which helps to cut down on time spent answering emails.
Create your content around specific, long tail keywords — doing this lets Google know to rank you for these terms, which can boost your search ranking. It will also give you an edge over your competition, as they won’t be ranking for these keywords.
Don’t be afraid to be quirky — Sometimes a little humour can take your product descriptions from blah to brilliant, so don’t shy away from having some fun. Research has shown some of the highest converting product descriptions use humour, so if you can include a light-hearted joke or two, so much the better. Obviously, humour isn’t always appropriate, but it’s a handy tool to employ when you need to liven up your content.
Now you know the fundamentals of creating a description that does what it’s supposed to do — SELL, let’s take a look at a high performing product description template…

Product description template for ecommerce

STEP 1: The lead in YOU SHOULD LEAD IN WITH EITHER… a benefit of your product i.e “INSERT BENEFIT i.e Ethical organic underwear that’s good for the planet — and your body etc…..” OR LEAD IN WITH…. a problem your customer has that your product can fix
i.e. “INSERT PROBLEM i.e Do you suffer from painful skin chaffing caused by wearing too tight or poorly made underwear? Synthetic fibres create multiple skin issues, like infections and rashes, as they block the evaporation of sweat from your body….etc..”

STEP 2: The pull
Here’s where you either:

Offer your product as a solution to the problem you introduced
i.e “Our soft organic cotton underwear is virtually seamless and is gentle on your skin. The smooth finish of our cotton makes it suitable for wearing under tight clothing, and as it wicks away sweat, it will keep you dry all day long.

If you led in with a benefit, press on customer pain points to persuade THEN offer your solution
[Sick of itchy rashes, uncomfortable chafing, and clothes that go bobbly after just a few wears?] [Our organic cotton underwear keeps you cool, dry and fresh, and is made to last. It’s perfect for layering under tight clothing on cold days or when you’re going for that jog, solving the problem of chapped, chafed thighs and prickly skin rashes.]
STEP 3: Your product specifics
Here’s where you can list your product’s features in bullet point form. This helps sum up what your product offers — if customers can’t be bothered to read the rest of your copy, they can quickly skim this list. You should keep the features you list here orientated to the customer — i.e. why this is good for them.
“[PRODUCT FEATURE i.e Sustainably sourced materials] — [CUSTOMER BENEFIT i.e so you can look good while lowering your carbon footprint]”
“Organic cotton — better for the planet, kinder to your skin”

STEP 4: Subtle call to action

Wrap it all up by gently asking people to act — but don’t be too pushy, instead, remind them of WHY they should purchase now.
[REMIND THEM OF HOW THE PRODUCT SOLVES A PROBLEM THEY HAVE i.e Say goodbye to painful chapping, skin rashes, and visible underwear lines] with our [INSERT PRODUCT i.e Seam free Organic Cotton Briefs].

[ASK FOR THE ACTION SUBTLY i.e Pick up a pair of our durable, stylish natural cotton briefs] — [REMIND THEM WHAT THEY’LL GET + PAINT A PICTURE i.e and enjoy feeling cool and fresh throughout the day, whether you’re at work or play]
REMEMBER: Sprinkle your long tail keywords throughout your description in a natural way. Don’t overstuff — focus on a few keywords that you’re trying to rank for and repeat each one 2–3 times.
Instagram is a powerful tool for ecommerce marketing, for 5 primary reasons:
1. It’s a highly popular platform — lots of users means lots of potential custom
2. It’s highly visual — this makes it a great place to promote ecommerce
3. It uses hashtags — giving you the chance to reach a specific, already
interested audience
4. It offers targeted advertising — as well as promoting through your posts you can use the platform to launch highly focused ad campaigns
5. Instagram influencers hold A LOT of sway — get a popular Instagrammer to recommend your product and you could pick up a TON of new business
There are multiple ways to promote on Instagram, from regular posts, to stories, and paid ads.
If you’re using the platform to promote your ecommerce brand — and you should — then one of the first steps is to integrate Instagram with your website. Then you can benefit from the platform’s shop feature, which allows you to link your customers to products you advertise for sale, through your Instagram posts or stories.

Sample Instagram Ecommerce Engagement Post

On Instagram people’s attention spans are highly limited, so you need to quickly attract interest with an intriguing headline. If you have an ecommerce brand and want to get more eyes on your products using regular posts, there are 4 solid ways of upping the chances of getting a response.
Top 4 ways to encourage engagement on Instagram
● Ask a question
● Offer people the chance to get something for free

● Ask for feedback
● Include a celebrity or top influencer in your posts
Combine any of these and you’ll increase your chances of attracting user
Make sure you add in emojis for extra interest, to help your header stand out.
ALWAYS include a high quality and appealing image and use relevant, trending hashtags, as these help more people find your post.
Take a look at how to construct a super effective Instagram post for
ecommerce. This blueprint combines asking a question, asking for feedback, AND offering something for free, so it should certainly help to increase your response rate.
Step 1: Get their attention — FAST.
Tell us your favourite [INSERT TOPIC i.e me time moment/ first date story
etc…] and you could win [INSERT PRIZE i.e $100/ free products etc…]!!!
STEP 2: Now up the ante with your intro.
Let us know your [INSERT DETAILS i.e your funniest first date story] and be in with the chance of winning [INSERT PRIZE i.e our newest diet supplement] for FREE if your story is our first choice!!
Ever [INSERT DETAILS i.e [had spinach in your teeth all through dinner and not realised] or [INSERT DETAILS i.e been catfished by your cousin?]
Step 3: Ask them to engage.
If so, we want to know — so don’t be shy, drop your [INSERT DETAILS i.e funniest first date stories etc..] in the comment section below.
Step 4: Tell them what action you want them to take.

We’ll be [INSERT DETAILS OF ANY ADDED BENEFIT THEY GET i.e reposting the top 10 stories on our blog] as well as giving away [INSERT PRIZE i.e. your choice of a pair of our sneakers] to the winner.
Leave your story as a comment below then find out if you’re our lucky
winner when we announce the results of our competition HERE on Instagram on [INSERT COMPETITION END DATE i.e 09/09/2024]

Sample Instagram Product Showcase Post

This is a great quick post you can create using an Instagram gallery.
This post works on several levels, to boost traffic to your store, widen your reach, and encourage participation.
It leads in with a question to boost interaction, then presents a selection of themed products and asks people for feedback. It wraps it all up with a punchy and persuasive call to action that offers an incentive to purchase.
STEP 1: Select the pictures you’ll be including in your product gallery — ideally they should all relate, so you can create a themed post around them.
Step 2: Now create some persuasive text to accompany your product gallery — and remember to ask for the action.
“INSERT QUESTION i.e Thinking of making over your living space this Fall in gorgeous rustic colours? ]
Check out our gallery to see [INSERT DETAILS i.e the plethora of paints in our Fall Collection] then pick out your perfect [INSERT DETAILS i.e Autumn shade!!!]
We’d love to know which [INSERT DETAILS i.e shade] is your favourite — so
remember to drop us a comment below and let us know.
PSST: Don’t forget to check out our online store, where you can currently
enjoy [INSERT INCENTIVE i.e free shipping] and [INSERT INCENTIVE i.e 5% off all orders over £30!!!].
STEP 3:Remember to hashtag your post using relevant trending tags!

Sample Instagram Ecommerce Ad

Running an Ad or sponsored post on Instagram to promote your products? If so, this template will help you cover all the essential elements of your promotion, so you can persuade more browsers and convert them into buyers!
ALWAYS remember to include an attractive visual with your Instagram ad or sponsored post, whether that’s an engaging short clip, an attractive infographic, or a picture gallery. Remember to include emojis to up the interest and make text stand out, particularly in your header.
Step 1: Include social proof or research backed data in your header.
To kick things off, you could start by using a header format like…

This is why [INSERT STAT i.e 50%] of [INSERT DETAILS i.e women] [INSERT
PROBLEM i.e struggle to lose weight]…
Did you know [INSERT STAT i.e 25%] of [INSERT PROBLEM i.e., energy is lost by lunchtime?]
Step 2: Quickly introduce your offer in a punchy way.
Our [INSERT PRODUCT TYPE i.e energy supplements] have been [INSERT
DETAILS i.e created so you can enjoy more bounce — naturally]. With [INSERT DETAILS i.e active turmeric, raspberry seed, and maca ]you can [INSERT BENEFIT i.e have energy ALL DAY — without harmful toxins].
Step 3: Remember to ask them for engagement
Watch our clip to learn why [INSERT DETAILS i.e our science backed supplements are so effective] then let us know [INSERT DETAILS i.e if you’re struggling with low energy] in the comments below.
Step 4: Give them an incentive to purchase by introducing a time-limited discount offer.
If you’d like to enjoy [INSERT BENEFIT i.e more natural energy so you can
get through the day with ease], take advantage of our Instagram only offer and purchase [INSERT OFFER DETAILS i.e your first bottle for 50% off]
Visit [INCLUDE LINK] to claim your [INSERT DISCOUNT i.e 50% off discount] but hurry, as this offer will only run until [INSERT TIME LIMITED OFFER DATE END i.e 10/09/2024]

Ecommerce for Facebook

The goal of Facebook Ad copy should be to attract interest quickly as not only are you competing for people’s attention but Facebook abbreviates everything after the first initial lines.
Because of this, you should aim to get your MOST important information high up in your advert. People can’t see what comes after the first 2–3 lines, unless they click
Read More, so get the core of your offer down — and make it irresistible.

Basic tips for your Ecommerce Facebook Ad:

Include Emojis — Like Instagram, on Facebook, you should include the use of emojis to ramp up the attention level. Emojis help to break up boring text blocks and inject energy and emotion, making your copy stand out.
Capitalise power words — Consider capitalising certain words for extra emphasis and ALWAYS include your URL in your initial 2–3 sentences.
Tell them what you’re offering — straight away. With Facebook Ads you want to let people know what you are offering immediately and you should definitely mention any discounts you’re offering.
Press on their pain points. Your product should fill a crucial need, desire, or fear your potential customers have, so press on this problem for them and do it in the first few lines. The reason this is so important is because you have to let people know
WHY they need your product right away, i.e to solve their worries or get to their goal.
Give people a reason to purchase — right now. In your Ad you’ll want to introduce urgency, and encourage people to purchase immediately. In this case, it’s never too early to introduce a time-limited incentive to purchase, so don’t shy away from including one in your first 2–3 sentences.
Use a high quality image or short video clip. Visuals are important on Facebook and research has shown posts with great video or images repeatedly get more response. Short promo footage is even better than a great graphic, as video is a highly effective selling tool — but make sure it’s professionally presented.
With these tips in mind, let’s see how it all comes together by taking a look at a successful Facebook Ecommerce Ad template…

ULTIMATE Facebook Ad template for ecommerce

Step 1: Include your most important info in the first 1–2 sentences.
DON’T forget to add your link and any discounts you’re offering.
Are you [INSERT PROBLEM i.e struggling to build muscle quickly?] If so, grab a [INSERT RELEVANT WORDS i.e rock solid] bargain in the super [INSERT DETAILS i.e 75% sale] at [INSERT LINK]!!!
Step 2: Remember to include an image or video.
This has to be as relevant and appealing to your target customer as possible. Go for high quality shots, or brief, pro-looking promo clips to showcase your products to maximum effect.

Step 3: Now give your pitch and add in some more detail.
Here’s where you’ll let customers know the main benefits of purchasing from you, as well as any other information you think they should be aware of.
Remember mobile users will only be able to see this section if they click Read More.
This is a great space to place stats, product benefits, or social proof like customer testimonials. You can use it to put more product details, as well as social proof like customer reviews or testimonials.

“[INSERT OFFER DETAILS i.e Purchase ALL our old stock at 75% discount until the end of April and enjoy FREE shipping too!!!✨✨✨
Our [INSERT PRODUCT BENEFIT will give you real results as they include active, proven to work ingredients]
[INSERT 2ND BENEFIT i.e When you shop with us you get free shipping] and [INSERT 3RD BENEFIT 36 hour delivery time in the UK etc…].
See what one of our satisfied customers has to say about [INSERT PRODUCT DETAILS i.e our muscle gain products]
We offer [INSERT DETAILS i.e a full money back guarantee if you’re not completely satisfied] so Hurry over to [INSERT STORE LINK] and take advantage of our [INSERT TIME LIMITED OFFER i.e 75% OLD STOCK SALE until end of JAN!!] ”

Super Short Facebook Ad to BOOST ecommerce traffic

Did you know there’s a handy advertising trick you can employ on Facebook that’s almost guaranteed to boost traffic to your ecommerce store?
It involves using social proof or data paired with a strong desire your target audience has to hook people’s interest and get them clicking through to your website. This is a GREAT technique to employ when space is short, or if you want to add extra intrigue.

Take a look at how it works.
STEP 1: First, identify your target demographic.
You need to know the answer to these questions:
Who are they? I.e 25+ men, 35–45 women, mothers etc..

What is a BIG problem or desire they have that YOUR product solves or
delivers? i.e . to lose weight, get fit etc… This is a super important element, so make sure you consider how your product solves your audiences desires and fears.
What timeline can your product solve your audience’s problem in, or how long will it take them to reach their goal using your product? I.e lose 50% of their target weight in 3 months
STEP 2: Choose whether you want to use social proof OR data
If you’re going with research backed data…
If you’re going with data, it helps to have a solid statistic to hand that relates to your product.
If you were selling CBD oil, you might go with some figures that show CBD can help improve anxiety i.e by 30% etc…
Does your product contain an active ingredient that has been proven to work i.e is it 56% more likely to help the body burn fat, for example? If so, you can use that data in your header.
Keep watching as we’ll soon be showing you how to bring it in effectively.

If you’re going with social proof…
If you don’t have any relevant research backed data, there’s another option you can go with — social proof.
Has your product been recommended or promoted by any known influencers, celebrities, brands or names? i.e used by Famous Mc Famous etc…
Has it appeared in any magazines or newspapers in non-paid for press? i.e.,
recommended by Flash! Magazine
Have you got a number of satisfied customers who can attest to your product’s effectiveness? If so, you can mention this in your lead in instead. i.e 50% of customers reached their goal weight in 3 months
Remember your social proof MUST relate to your target audience, so if you’re mentioning an influencer, make sure it’s someone who will be relevant to them.
STEP 3: Now let’s put it all together.
Okay, so you’ve identified a strong desire or problem your audience has and you know how quickly your product can solve their problem or get them to their goal.
You also have either a stat OR social proof that you can mention in your ad.
So if you were selling smartwatches and using social proof for example, you might say something like this.

Find out how to lose [10lbs in 10 weeks]! OR Discover the [cardio aid] [80%] of [our customers used] to [DOUBLE] their [fitness levels] in [3 months]!
If you decided to go with a research backed stat, say pulled from a study that proves using a Fitbit type device to track steps helps improve exercise levels, you might say something like this:
How [10,000 couch potatoes] got [marathon ready] in just [4 weeks]!
IMPORTANT: This ad RELIES on a super appealing and highly relevant graphic or short clip, but if you have one, or can create one, then that’s the only other thing you need! This is a short and sweet formula for when space is at a premium, and it’s highly effective as it ups the intrigue, providing you know your audience.

Facebook promotional ecommerce post

As well as paid for Ads, you can also use regular Facebook posts to promote your ecommerce products. If you want to do this, you need to approach it slightly differently than paid for ad campaigns, as with posts, you MUST offer value to your audience.
One of the best ways to offer value on Facebook is by encouraging participation, and there are several ways you can encourage your followers to respond.
You can…
● Ask for feedback
● Run a free challenge
● Run a competition
● Hold a poll
● Ask a question
Take a look at the structure of a Facebook post that subtly promotes by offering a free challenge.
STEP 1: Create a header that appeals to your audience.
Are you [INSERT EMOTION i.e sick of feeling sluggish?] Sign up to our FREE [INSERT CHALLENGE i.e clean eating challenge] by [INSERT TIME LIMITED DATE i.e 05/04/2024] and get [INSERT GOAL WITH TIMELINE i.e. 50% more energy in 30 days!!]

STEP 2: Include your URL.

Head over to [INSERT URL] and get [INSERT WHAT THEY’LL
GET i.e a 30-day cleanse plan] completely FREE!

STEP 3: Press on their pain points — and remind them that you can help.

If you [INSERT PROBLEM i.e don’t have enough energy to get through the day] and are [INSERT PROBLEM i.e tired all the time] — it can feel [INSERT NEGATIVE EMOTION i.e draining and disheartening]. With our [INSERT WHAT YOU’RE OFFERING i.e expert created clean eating plan], you can [MAKEOVER YOUR DIET] so you:
[Shed the toxins that are slowing you down]
[Lose weight and enjoy more lean muscle]
[Have more energy!!]

STEP 4: Introduce urgency and offer a free, time limited solution.

Sign up to our [INSERT CHALLENGE i.e clean eating challenge] before [INSERT TIME LIMITED DATE i.e 24/04/2022] and get [INSERT WHAT THEY’LL GET i.e a 30 day master cleanse plan]FREE.
STEP 4: Mention additional benefits — and any social proof
Our [INSERT DETAILS i.e master cleanse plan] is [INSERT SOCIAL PROOF i.e created by expert nutritionist Smug Eater], and [INSERT BENEFIT i.e walks you through 30 days of eating for health.] As well as [INSERT BENEFIT i.e your 30 day diet plan], you get [INSERT ADDED BENEFIT i.e handy checklists] so you can [INSERT THEIR GOAL i.e up your
quotient of superfoods — and avoid toxin laden nasties that sap your energy levels.]

STEP 5: Time limited Call to action
Hurry over to [INSERT URL] and sign up before [TIME LIMITED DATE] to [INSERT BENEFIT i.e discover how to get 50% more energy in 30 days] — FOR FREE.

STEP 6: Add in your upsell — preferably with a time limited discount offer PSSST….

Remember to [INSERT DETAILS i.e check out our supplement line] as we’re currently offering [INSERT DISCOUNT i.e a massive 50% off our entire range] until [TIME LIMITED DATE] !!!
LinkedIn Ads
If you have a high end product and are trying to target an affluent audience, LinkedIn Ads can be an effective option. They perform best if they are fresh, unique and thought provoking — and your ad copy HAS to be engaging and original.

As LinkedIn is used by millions of highly educated professionals, it helps to include research or technical driven facts in your ad copy, though this should never be presented in a dry manner.
The best LinkedIn Ads are brief and include a high quality visual that closely relates to the written content of the ad. Leading in with a question works well, as it encourages a response, on a platform where many suffer from information overload.

Sample LinkedIn Ad Template

Step 1: Your lead in.
Leading in by asking a relevant question or stating an interesting fact is a great idea.
Our durable vegan sofas are 99% spill proof according to research…

Are you considering adding an extension to your home?
Step 2: Your main pitch.
Include a link, your social proof, and any relevant data, then give them an incentive they can’t refuse.
[INSERT DETAILS i.e Our sustainable, vegan sofas are made with Leatherdale and have a wax coating that makes them easy to wipe clean]. Research found that [INSERT DETAILS i.e Leatheraze repels 99% of stains and spills] enabling you to [INSERT BENEFIT i.e relax without having to worry about knocking over that cup of tea].
See what our customers have to say…
…then claim your exclusive LinkedIn [INSERT DISCOUNT i.e 50% off discount] and choose from our [INSERT DETAILS i.e exciting range of colour ways and styles] here[INSERT LINK].
Step 3: Encourage extra engagement.
[INSERT DETAILS i.e Have you had any home furnishing disasters? Tell us your stories and get the chance to win an exclusive sustainable wood coffee table by entering our competition here [INSERT LINK]

Address the problem of cart abandonment

Do many of your customers start shopping only to abandon their carts and never return?
This is a persistent ecommerce problem — but it’s one that can be addressed with a timely reminder or an incentive to purchase. Research has found that if consumers are frequently reminded, they’re more likely to commit to a purchase, especially if they are incentivised with a discount.
We’ve put together some templates you can use to encourage customers to continue with their purchase, which you can customise to suit your own product ranges. Make sure you set up automatic push notifications from your ecommerce store, to be sent out to customers who fail to complete their shop.
Incentive to purchase website pop up reminder template

Step 1: Remind them of the benefits and personalise it.
If you’re going to be running automatic pop up reminders, it’s better to strike a personal, friendly note.

Are you struggling to get a job after CA?

We see you have got the knowledge however you lack the skills to get the attention — and we wanted to guide you.

Step 2: Ask them to take Action.
Always outline the main benefit to purchasing from your brand here — but keep it brief.
Remember to checkout, so you complete your purchase, and can start enjoying [INSERT GENERAL BRAND BENEFITS i.e comfortable, stylish running shoes that will boost your performance].-

Step 3: Offer them an incentive to purchase.
If you can offer your browsers an added incentive to purchase now, you’re almost guaranteed to get more conversions with your pop up reminders.

Time limited deep discounts work well, as do limited time bonus gifts, or buy one get one free offers.
Purchase [INSERT PRODUCT DETAILS i.e a pair of sneakers] today and enjoy [INSERT INCENTIVE i.e 25% off your next order and free shipping].
This offer is for [INSERT TIME LIMIT i.e 24 hours] ONLY — so don’t miss out grab your [INSERT PRODUCT DETAILS i.e yourself a stylish pair of kicks] AND get [INSERT INCENTIVE i.e a 25% discount off your next purchase today]!!!

Email reminder to purchase template

As well as pop up reminders on your website, you can also send out automatic email reminders to purchase, to encourage customers who have subscribed to your mailing list to complete their order. Many people abandon their carts because the reason they were on your site in the first place was to compare a product — if they are on your subscriber list already, giving them a gentle nudge can be a great way of increasing your conversion rate.
If you have shopping cart software that you can set up to automatically email your customer when they fail to complete a purchase, you can remind subscribers of the products they were looking at. Always customize the email reminder template that comes with your ecommerce platform — and offer an added incentive if you can.
Take a look at a sample successful email reminder with a high conversion rate:
Step 1: Make sure you include an image of your product.
The software platform that you’re sending reminders through should pull this from their cart automatically.
Step 2: Remind people of the main benefits of shopping with your brand.
Shop with us and get [INSERT BENEFIT i.e free shipping and a no quibble refund if you’re not completely satisfied.] All our [INSERT PRODUCT DETAILS i.e running shoes] are [INSERT BENEFIT i.e made from vegan leather etc…] and [INSERT BENEFIT i.e use only sustainably sourced materials].

Step 3: Ask them to purchase — and offer/ remind them of the incentive.
Finish your purchase by [INSERT TIME LIMITED DATE i.e 10:39PM] and [INSERT INCENTIVE i.e we’ll send you a 50% discount code off your next order etc…]
Step 4: Include a quick purchase button.
Including a button makes it easy for customers to take action and it’s much more appealing and eye catching than a boring old url.

CAs Ready To Start ecommerce Store

If your goal is to promote and sell your ecommerce products, at some point, you’re going to need to know how to blog successfully, as it’s one of the best ways to widen your audience. Blogging doesn’t have to be labour intensive, you can do it according to your schedule and how much time you have, whether that’s once a week, or once a month.
One of the best things about blogging is that it costs nothing — but once you build up a following the payoff is high. It also helps you position your brand as an authority voice on a topic, which creates trust in your audience.
Trust is one of the most challenging parts of the consumer journey to purchase, so by establishing a blog that provides value to your readers, you’ll maximize your chances of converting them into buyers of your brand.
When you’re blogging, you shouldn’t be trying to obviously promote using a hard sell technique. This isn’t to say you can’t promote your products at all — just do it in a subtle way.
Giving your audience advice, in-depth information, or comparing product features allow you to add value while promoting your ecommerce products.
When you’re starting out as a blogger, it’s better to focus on tried and tested post formats, to optimise your chances of pulling in the engagement you need. There are 3 types of blogs that are preferred over all other formats by most readers — Listicles, How To Guides and comparison reviews.
We’ll be showing you how to create a successful List Post and Comparison Review a little bit later on, so keep watching.

Remember, Google prefers long-form content of at least 2000 words, so try and meet this if you can but don’t stress too much if you can’t.
Equally important are your keywords — to rank well on Google, they need to be well researched, relevant and with the most important ones high up in your copy.

Keyword tips you can follow when creating your first ecommerce blog:

Place your main keyword early on
As Google assigns more priority to keywords that appear up high, it’s a good
strategy to place your most important keyword in your first 25 words of copy.
Make sure ALL your content is original
To score well with Google search, you HAVE to have original content — and that means every aspect of your copy. Everything from your titles and descriptions to your meta tags and alt text MUST be fresh — don’t be tempted to duplicate to save time, or Google will push you down its rankings.
Tweak your titles
Always include one of your main keywords in your header but don’t stuff your titles with keywords. Titles should instantly grab attention, so be bold or provocative, and always ensure your header is relevant to your content. If your copy can live up to the promise of your headline, your readers won’t be disappointed and you’ll be more likely to pick up valuable likes and social shares, which will help you rank higher with Google.
Use Google Analytics to monitor and adjust
Google Analytics is an invaluable aid you can use to monitor the performance of your blogs, and it’s one of the first pieces of software you should install, after you create your ecommerce blog.
Once you have it, you can use the Google Search Console to see which of your blogs are performing well — and which ones aren’t doing so great. You can then adjust the posts that aren’t scoring highly by tweaking the keywords, titles, and tags, to see if you get better results.
Link to your other blog posts
Google’s Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness (EAT) ranking system analyses your internal backlinks, which are URLs you include that point to other content on your site. By linking to other, relevant posts, you can increase your Google search score AND give a boost to content that hasn’t had much attention.

Use your main keyword as your anchor text link — this is the text people click on when they visit your other content. There is one big DON’T when it comes to using this strategy — NEVER link unpopular pages to other pages that haven’t had many views.
Instead, link popular content to blog posts that haven’t had a chance to perform as well yet.

Use Google search suggest to find relevant keywords
Did you know you can find excellent keywords using the Google search bar? When you type in a topic or keyword, Google’s search suggest feature will display a list of other, related suggestions in a drop down menu under your search term.
It’s a good idea to make use of these, as they are terms that people have searched for, so they are already ranking. You can note these down in a list, then analyse them using a tool like SemRush to check their popularity — as well as how much competition they have.

Focus on long tail keywords
Long tail keywords are specific phrases people typically use when they are
searching for something in particular like — “running shoes for 30 mile jog”. They are often entered when people are close to the point of purchase, which is why you should use them in your blog. To find relevant long tail keywords for your post, just enter a topic or keyword into Google and see what phrases the search engine suggests.
Short tail keywords are one or two word phrases, so they aren’t generally as in-depth as their long-tailed companions. You can still sprinkle a handful of relevant short tail keywords throughout your copy, just make sure the focus is on long tail, niche key phrases.
Ecommerce Blog Templates
Take a look at two of the most popular blog formats, the Listicle and The
Product Comparison review.
As your Blog copy needs to be high quality but it can be daunting to know where to begin, it’s a good idea to use a template to construct your content. This will help all your blogs appear in sync — and consistent — which will make your content look more professional, and will enable you to quickly build a regular readership.
The In-depth List that also promotes your products

In-depth lists are extremely popular, and research consistently finds that they perform very well. These types of blogs consist of a numbered list themed around a topic, with detailed information given for each point.
You can create a list post on just about anything, whether that’s 10 ways to win 10 customers in 10 days, or 5 active ingredients that help you lose 10lbs in 10 weeks.
Step 1: Choose your title with care

There are 3 crucial elements that need to be in your title for a numbered listicle post:
1. A number — How many tips your list will contain
2. What people will get from reading it — outline the benefit
3. A timescale — how long it will take for them to achieve their goal
“20 ways to tweak your website to get 2X the sales in 2 months”
“10 weight loss strategies to shed 10lbs in 10 weeks”
“15 diet supplements to get beach ready in 3 months”

Step 2: Add intrigue — and offer a solution
This is the point in your copy where it’s important to keep people reading — you’ve reeled them in with your header but now you have to keep them hooked. A solid way to do this is by adding intrigue, and emotion, so press on a problem you know they have — and hint that you can solve it, IF they stay to read the rest.
“Those stubborn last 10lbs can be hard to shed, and when you’re on the diet
carousel, you can quickly feel miserable and deprived. It’s even worse when you hop on the scales and see that you haven’t lost any weight — or have even put it on!
Most people approach dieting the wrong way — because they don’t have the right information about the way the body burns fat. So they continue trying to lose weight — without any success.
When you know exactly what you should be eating to stimulate your metabolism though, EVERYTHING CHANGES. You can lose weight easily, without feeling hungry or eating a boring, limited diet.
We’ve put together our top 10 tips for losing weight without losing your mind, with recommendations for powerful active ingredients that will help you to diet successfully — and achieve your goal.”
Step 3: Create your listicle

Here’s the main part of your copy, where you’ll create your list of tips. Make
each tip on the list as in-depth as you can, to give your audience content that’s really useful and informative.
“Tip 1: [Use Apple Cider Vinegar to help burn fat]”
Now go into detail about why/ how etc…:
Apple Cider Vinegar helps to etc….
Then at the end of each tip you want to link a product to, you can recommend your own product by saying something like:
Purchase our [all natural, organic Apple Cider Vinegar gummies] for [ 50%] and [enjoy the fat-busting qualities this natural ingredient provides.] Click here to go grab our [ delicious tasting gummies] at this amazing price

IMPORTANT: DON’T promote your products at the end of every tip on your list or it will look like the sole purpose of the post is to sell, which will make you lose trust with readers.
Instead pick a max of 2–3 products you want to push, and give them a subtle mention, at the end of a relevant tip.

Step 4: Pull it all together with a persuasive Call to Action

“Have you tried any of the tips we recommended? Was there one you particularly found useful, or maybe you saw something you’d like to try? We’d love to hear your thoughts, and we read every single comment, so let us know what you thought of our[Top 10 ways to burn body fat by Summer]”
OPTIONAL : If you want to up engagement levels, also offer an incentive:
“Do you have a great tip we missed off our list? If so, tell us below by leaving us a comment We’ll be picking the very best one and awarding a [free bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies]!!!”

The Ecommerce Product Comparison

Product Comparison blogs typically compare 2 or more products and this format is ideal if you have an ecommerce store, as you can talk about your own products. It’s a win/ win solution that readers love, as they get to learn through the benefits and features of the products you are recommending, so they can choose which one best fits their needs.
Let’s look at the structure of a well-written product comparison blog post….

Step 1: Headline
Your header should mention your 2 product types, and what they do and
ideally it should ask a question.
Example: if you have an online store selling stove burning products you might say…

“Coal Briquettes Vs Wood Fire Logs: Which is better to burn?”

[Fashioninja] Vs [Ghumledunia] : [Which is better Facebook Page?]

Step 2: Introduction

This should give readers a brief overview as to what they’ll get if they read
your comparison review, so make sure you mention the main features you’ll be comparing in your post. You should aim to give people a reason to stay reading until the end.
“[INSERT QUESTION i.e Are you wondering what fuel is better to burn in your stove?]
[PRODUCT TYPE i.e Wood fire logs] and [PRODUCT TYPE i.e coal briquettes] are both popular choices in our store, but the two have some key differences — from [INSERT COMPARISON FACTOR i.e economic value], to [INSERT COMPARISON FACTOR i.e smoke output] and [INSERT COMPARISON FACTOR i.e heat conservation].

So which one suits your [INSERT RELEVANT DETAIL i.e stove burning fuel] needs best? Read on, as in this post, I’ll be comparing several key factors, so you can decide which to go for.

In this post, I’ll be weighing up…
● Cost/value
● Smoke residue
● and more…

If you’re stuck trying to decide between these two [INSERT PRODUCT TYPE i.e fuel] choices, this article will help you make up your mind. Ready to find out which one is right for your [lifestyle]?
Let’s compare the two…”

Step 3: Product Overview & Feature Comparison
This is the part of your content where first you’ll give a 2–3 line summary of
each product you’ll be comparing.
“Product Overview — Coal Briquettes
Coal briquettes offer fantastic value for money and provide a [decent level of heat] to most small to medium living spaces. As they offer relatively low smoke output, which makes them ideal to burn in areas where wood burning is prohibited.
Product Overview — Wood Fire Logs
Now write your 2–3 line product overview like you did for the other product….
Step 4: Feature comparison
Here’s where you’ll be comparing the different pros and cons of each product, feature by feature.
For example:
Ease of Use Coal Briquettes
[INSERT YOUR FEATURE COMPARISON HERE i.e Coal briquettes are easy to burn, without much faffing or fiddling and no kindling required.
Wood Fire Logs
Value for Money
Coal Briquettes
Wood Fire Logs
Now continue listing all the features you want to compare using this
Step 5: Conclusion with your recommendations
“For ease of use, and economy it has to be Coal Briquettes but if you’re looking to generate more heat for longer, and a slightly higher smoke output isn’t a problem, you might consider Wood Fire Logs.
If you’re just starting out with fuel burning stoves, Coal Briquettes offer a great jumping off point, so they are a solid all-round choice that you can’t really go wrong with. However, if you have some experience with fuel burning stoves already and want a higher heat option, our wood fire logs are the perfect option.”
STEP 6: Brief Call to Action
Here’s where you’ll point people to the products you’ve compared in your
post, ideally alongside an incentive to purchase, like a discount, or special
offer. You should also remind them to subscribe to your mailing list, if they
haven’t already done so.

Let me know if this article helped you make the right [INSERT PRODUCT TYPE i.e fuel] choice by leaving your feedback below. If you’re looking for quality, affordable [INSERT PRODUCT i.e Coal Briquettes] or [INSERT PRODUCT i.e high heat Wood Fire Logs], visit our online store using this link [INSERT URL] — and receive [INSERT INCENTIVE i.e 10% off all orders over £20 plus free shipping.]
PS: Don’t forget to subscribe to get access to regular product guides, comparisons, and [INSERT BLOG TOPIC i.e stove burning] tips.

Guest blogging to promote your ecommerce brand

Guest blogging is a great tool to use to raise your ecommerce profile as you can immediately access a much wider, relevant audience. This allows you to expand awareness of your brand and boost sales and traffic — and it can also help you to gain valuable backlinks.
Gaining quality backlinks will boost your Google rank, which means more people will be able to find your store. Not all backlinks are the same in Google’s eyes though, so select your Guest Blog spots carefully. The blogs you post on need to be popular, and your content must closely relate to the website it appears on.
Before you can secure a Guest Blog spot, you’ll need to do some outreach, as well as some research. Enter specific long tail key phrases into Google that relate to your blog content and market niche to find recommended blogs. Once you’ve drawn up a list of potential blogs that will match your content and brand, you can use a tool like Moz’s OpenSite Explorer to find out how popular they really are.
Once you’ve whittled down your list of potential blogs, check when each last posted content. If it was 6 months ago, that particular blog is likely not active anymore. If they ARE still posting active content, check out their contact details, as you’ll need these details to reach out.
Now you’ve identified some prime potential Guest Blog spots, you can use this template to make your Guest Blog request…

Guest blog outreach template

STEP 1: Intro and brief pitch
Namaste [Receiver’s name],
It’s [Astroniverse] from [Ghumledunia], the [Medium author.]
I really appreciate your posts on [Fashioninja] and wondered if
you’d like to host some guest content on [Computer Software Developing Topic]?
Here’s my pitch:
[“Here’s why your hard drive is the centre of your system’s universe…]
In the piece I’ll talk about [why looking after your hard drive is
essential to prolong the longevity of your computer.] I’ll cover [maintenance, upgrades, and partitions, and explain why you should never flash your BIOS unless absolutely necessary.”]
STEP 2: Let them know WHY they need your piece
“I’m sure you know that [hard drive maintenance] is a popular topic right now and it’s also the [ most searched for] subject in
the [hardware] niche, according to [Google]. This piece will give your readers [10 step by step guides to maintaining their hard drive] so they can [prolong their computer system’s life.]
STEP 3: Offer them some reciprocity
“I’d really love to host some of your content on my blog as well, if you would consider sharing with my audience? Just send me a link to the post you’d like to share, and I’ll repost it on my website.”
STEP 4: Now let them know a little about you
“I’m a [UK based computer technician] with [10 years of experience and as well as being the owner of a successful ecommerce [hardware brand], I regularly blog on the subject of [hardware], over at [Astroniverse]”
STEP 5: Outline a timescale
“If you feel the piece would be a fit, give me quick heads up, and I’ll get it to you within [2–3 days]. I estimate the piece will run to [900 words].
Thanks for considering my pitch, I’ll look forward to reading more of your posts on[Baby Photography].
Kind Regards,
[Neha Lodha]

Influencer Marketing

Influencer outreach template
Influencers can help you jump the queue for audience share, which is useful when you have ecommerce products to market. Popular influencers are seriously influential — and if you get your products mentioned, promoted, or endorsed, by one in your niche, you’ll probably receive a big boost in traffic and sales.

One of the bonuses of influencer marketing is that it’s free — and the payoff can be huge. Because of this, it’s worth spending some time writing a tailored query — especially as most successful influencers are time short and get 100’s of emails and messages daily.
We’ve created an effective influencer outreach template that you can customise to suit your specific needs. Following this structure will help you avoid mistakes, put across the right first impression, and boost your chances of getting that all important yes.
Let’s take a look at the structure…
Step 1: Your introduction — it needs to be to the point, explanatory and friendly
It’s [Neha Lodha] owner of [Baby Photography], we make [quality dumbbells and kettlebells]. I wanted to reach out to let you know I love what you’re doing with [THEIR BLOG OR CHANNEL NAME], as I’m really enjoying your [gym equipment reviews].
Step 2: Pitch them — making sure you highlight why your product is relevant — and offer them something of value in return
I’ve recently launched our first[INSERT PRODUCT DETAILS i.e range of protein supplements]- and I wondered if you’d like to give our [protein boosting range] a try? I could send you a free [INSERT DETAILS i.e box] if you’d be interested?
If you like the product, would you consider telling your followers, as they might like to try them as well?
[OPTIONAL] You can also offer something extra of value too, to maximize your chances of getting a yes
I’d love to [INSERT INCENTIVE i.e. feature one of your [INSERT DETAILS i.e
training tips posts on our company blog], as it’s [INSERT REASON i.e relevant to our brand, and my followers would benefit from your advice.
[INSERT INSTRUCTIONS i.e If you have a piece you’d like me to feature, just
forward it to me, and I’ll repost it on the blog.]
Let me know if you’d like to[INSERT YOUR OFFER receive some bars], and forward the best postal address to send to, and I’ll [INSERT DETAILS i.e get a box delivered right away.]
Thanks for considering my request, and I’ll look forward to more of your awesome posts,
[Neha Lodha]
[Baby Photography]

Twitter is useful when you want to widen your audience share, and if you have an ecommerce brand, that’s definitely something you’ll want to do.

The platform is a highly competitive space, especially when you’re trying to promote, but the key is to build trust, and mix regular non-promotional posts, with posts that promote your product.
ALL of your content on Twitter should be highly relevant to your brand — so if you’re selling sofas, you might also talk about home furnishings and post pictures of interior design etc…

6 strategies for promoting ecommerce products with Twitter posts:
1. ALWAYS add value — don’t push your product constantly, share content your audience will find useful, or interesting info that’s relevant to your brand. You can use Twitter to share links to your latest blog posts for example, or to post new photos that relate to your brand, team, or products, or helpful infographics.
2. Ask for follower participation — hold polls, ask questions, and ask for input, as people LOVE to feel they are able to make a difference.
3. Use Twitter to get more traffic — Send followers to your blog, mailing list sign up, or your campaigns by posting details of discounts, giveaways, and
subscriber incentives.
4. Make use of emoji’s — Just like on Instagram and Facebook, emojis can help your Twitter posts stand out, so use them in your content to highlight
important sentences.
5. Hashtag EVERYTHING — Hashtags help more people find your content on Twitter, so see what’s trending, then tag your posts with relevant hashtags that are popular.
6. ALWAYS use an image, infographic, or video — Posts that don’t have
visuals will get lost amid people’s busy timelines. Whether you opt for a photo, illustration, or clip, your graphic content needs to be polished, appealing, and HIGHLY relevant to your post.

Twitter is also a great place to run paid for campaigns, especially if you’re running a special discount, giveaway, or other offer.
5 ways to finesse your paid for Twitter Ads:
1) Use emoji’s and hashtags in your Twitter ads — You should use both
emojis and hashtags in your Ads, as well as your regular posts, so important
sentences stand out and your content can get found easier.
2) Keep content brief and to the point — You only have a limited number of
space, either 140 characters, or 280 if you’re running a Twitter Story Ad, so
make it count!
3) Use urgency — Include a time limited offer or bonus to give people a reason to purchase right away.

4) ALWAYS include an image or short clip — NEVER be tempted to skip this
step or you’ll be throwing your ad budget away. Your images should be high
quality and relevant to your Ad copy, and any video clips you use should be
engaging and edited well.
5) Include a call to action — Make sure you let people know what you want them to do. If you’d like them to visit your store to shop in your 50% off sale for example, let them know!!
Twitter Ad to push traffic to your online store
Step 1: Enter an eye catching header
Your header should immediately tell people what you’re offering — and WHY they need it now.
QUICK!!!! Wipe clean PU leather sofas now at UNBEATABLE PRICES!!!
Step2: Introduce a time limited offer with a URL.
PERFECT SOFA to match your living room decor from a WIDE RANGE OF
STEP 3: Include an attractive image or short promo clip.
Step 4: Use relevant trending hashtags to boost your reach #sofa #sofasale #homebargains

Twitter Post to boost engagement & sign ups
❓❓❓D you have a favourite living room style?❓❓❓
Perhaps you prefer shabby chic, or lik the opulent look — or maybe you’re
more eclectic?
We want to know your top living room looks — tell us in the comments below!!

DON’T FORGET: Subscribe to our mailing list at [INSERT SHORTENED LINK] & be in with the chance of winning a £50 gift voucher off your next home makeover!!!
#interiorlooks #homemakeover #decorating etc…


YouTube is fundamental if you have products you’d like to promote, as it enables you to use the tremendous power of video to get more attention and engagement for your brand. The key to using the platform successfully for ecommerce is to produce content that offers value — YouTube is not a place where you should only be posting promo.
With that being said, every video you create should still be angled to SELL — and should always contain a call to action, that pushes your audience to your website, blog, or store. Despite the fact that YouTube focuses on video, you still need written content — from your scripts, to your video descriptions.
The 2 most crucial pieces of content you’ll need for your ecommerce channel on the platform, is your YouTube Channel description and your YouTube video descriptions.
Keep watching as we outline the structure of a successful YouTube Channel
Description, then take a look at a blueprint for a high converting Video Description.
To create high performance content on YouTube, you need to bear in mind some golden rules. Before we look at the templates, let’s quickly run through the 5 Essential YouTube Content Creation Tips for Video and Channel Descriptions.

5 ESSENTIAL YouTube Content Creation Tips

1. Place your main keywords high up. YouTube puts more importance on
keywords that appear early on in your copy — so place your primary keywords in the first 2–3 sentences of your description. Only the first 125 words of your channel description will be displayed in search — so make them count!!! You also need to follow this rule when it comes to creating your video descriptions, as here, YouTube truncates everything except for the first 2–3 sentences.

2. Give plenty of detail. Longer is better, so aim for at least 200 words. In-
depth descriptions with relevant keywords will help YouTube’s algorithm understand better as to what your channel is about, which will help you score higher in YouTube search.
3. Repeat your main keywords throughout — You should repeat all your main keywords 2–3 times throughout your description, as this will help you rank better. It will also boost your chances of appearing in the sidebar as one of YouTube’s suggested videos.
4. Clearly outline the benefits of subscribing — YouTube users need to know
what your channel offers them — and WHY they should watch your content or subscribe. Know your audience, focus on what they want, and create content that fulfils this need. Then you can let them know in your channel description how your content will give them this information — and what they’ll get out of it.
5. Boost your video’s clickthrough rate (CTR). In search results, YouTube
abbreviates your descriptions so that only the first 2–3 sentences are visible.
Optimising your description’s SEO, particularly the first part of your
description, is vital. The keywords you select MUST be relevant to your
channel and the content you produce. Think of the first few lines of your
description as a mini pitch — one that lets people know what they’ll get and
makes them want to click through.
Look at the structure of a successful YouTube Channel Description for an ecommerce brand. After that we’ll take a look at a high converting YouTube Video Description.
You can customise both of these templates to suit your needs and use them to create your YouTube channel.

YouTube Channel Description Template

STEP 1: Your Introduction
“ [INSERT CHANNEL NAME] gives you [The most effective ways to work out every muscle at home]. Are you struggling to [Build muscle quickly? Our videos will [give you the fastest ways to tone up and get shredded.]
We’re [research driven and offer you the most cutting edge ways to work out at home at a minimal cost] so you can [get gym fit, without the expense or hassle!]
Hit the subscribe button now and get automatic notifications of every new episode published -[INSERT REGULAR POSTING TIME i.e every Saturday]
STEP 2: Outline the benefits

“Subscribe and get [expert workouts, in-depth equipment
guides, and muscle building diet advice] from [ experts with 10+ years experience creating quality, at-home gym gear.]
In our regular [Saturday episodes] you’ll get [The latest ways to build muscle FAST — without ridiculous regimes or costly supplements]
[Power techniques to turn body fat into lean muscle]
And much more…”
STEP 3: Sign off with a call to action that reminds them why they should watch “Become a subscriber and get [INSERT BENEFIT REMINDER i.e the best ways to workout at home and build muscle fast] so you can [INSERT VIEWER GOAL i.e. save money on that gym subscription and achieve a body you can be proud of.]
Get [the latest at home workout product guides, muscle building diet strategies, and PRO workouts] before everyone else by hitting
the subscribe button right away!!!”

YouTube Video Description Template
Step 1: Your Intro
“Subscribe to my website, and you’ll learn [How to work out your whole body using kettlebells.]
After watching you’ll know [The best exercises to perform if you want to build muscle fast] as well as [INSERT DETAILS i.e the optimum number of reps for each muscle group] PLUS you’ll discover [INSERT DETAILS what to avoid if you want to attain a buff bod.]”

Step 2: Create a detailed breakdown of your video — and explain the benefits
“Here’s what I’ll be covering in this video:
[INSERT TOPIC + USER BENEFIT i.e What not to do if you want to shed the flab — so you can start getting lean without time consuming mistakes]


After you’ve finished watching, you’ll [INSERT WHAT THEY WILL BE ABLE TO DO i.e have a complete 25 minute gym workout routine you can perform every morning].”

Step 3: Create a potent Call to Action

i.e. “Like this video and SUBSCRIBE to get [muscle building tips]!
Remember to follow me on Twitter [] and Facebook [] to get [bodybuilding advice and strategies for building muscle FAST.”

Press Release for ecommerce

When you’re launching a new product, Press Releases can be a superb way to build buzz, as they let you reach out to journalists who can get your launch more attention.
As journalists are extremely busy, you need a short and snappy Press Release that…
1) Engages from the start,
2) Is time relevant,
3) Is newsworthy.
Always lead with the most time sensitive information — and get all important information early on in your content. Tie your product launch to a trending news topic, as this ups your chances of getting featured in the press- think about how you might link current news stories to your brand or product.
You’ll also need a punchy quote or two — these can come from you, your customers, or an influencer or known name, who’s talking about your product.

Unlike most of your other content, when you create your Press Release, it’s standard practice to always write in the third person EXCEPT when directly quoting someone.

So if you were announcing the launch of a hair regrowth product, instead of saying “I created this product to help solve the problem of hair loss”
You’d say “[Fashioneenja] created his product to help combat the problem of hair loss.
Or, if you were talking about a brand, you’d say “[Astroniverse] created their product to help solve the problem of hair loss.”
It’s best to stick to the accepted format all press releases follow, if you want to boost your chances of getting your product launch picked up.
Keep watching as we take a look at the elements that make up a successful
ecommerce Press Release.

Press Release template for your product launch

STEP 1: Key information that needs to be at the top of every Press Release

Date: [02/10/2025]
Try and make this as newsworthy as you can — identify a topical angle of
interest that you can peg your product too, like Climate Change, then create a header around this.
“Businesses can now meet Net Zero goals with sustainable, natural light solutions”
SUB HEADER: This should give a bit more background info to place your header in context.
“New Sun Tunnel technology enables companies to save money and help the planet.”
PLACE I.E: Manchester, England

Step 2: Get your news in early on.

Mention that it’s a new product and it has just been launched. Make your intro as relevant — and topical to current issues as you can.
[INSERT YOUR NICHE i.e Technology experts] [BRAND NAME i.e SunRay
Solutions] are launching their [INSERT DETAILS i.e first sustainable natural light source system] which[INSERT WHAT YOUR PRODUCT DOES i.e uses innovative
Sun Tunnel technology to draw light from the sun.]
The [PRODUCT TYPE i.e Sun Tunnels] were created to [INSERT BENEFIT i.e help companies meet their Net Zero goals by cutting carbon emissions] and [INSERT 2ND BENEFIT improve people’s access to health boosting Vitamin D].
They offer [TARGET GROUP i.e businesses and homeowners] [INSERT WHAT PRODUCT OFFERS i.e an affordable and sustainable way to illuminate spaces] and can be [INSERT DETAIL i.e easily installed in homes, schools, and workplaces].

Step 3: Quote time

Make sure your chosen quotes are interesting and relevant — and yes, you can quote yourself!
“INSERT QUOTE i.e We created our sun tunnels as we were extremely concerned about the burden placed on the planet by energy emissions,” said [JOB TITLE/NAME i.e CEO of SunRay Solutions, Bart McBland]. They also improve wellbeing, as many people are lacking essential Vitamin D, and numerous offices and homes don’t have enough natural light,” [Bland] added.

Step 4: Here’s where you can enter a little more details about the product.

Your language should be motivational and aim to amp up enthusiasm and
excitement for your product.
[BRAND NAME]’s [INSERT DETAILS i.e unique sustainable light solutions] which [INSERT DETAILS i.e blend an intuitive LED sensor for low light levels with architecturally award winning skylight design, are set to [INSERT DETAILS i.e. revolutionize the way we illuminate our homes and workplaces.]
SOMETHING NEW OR BETTER i.e. traditional skylights which are limited in reach and take up a lot of space, [SunRay’s] solutions are[INSERT DETAILS i.e. designed to take up 15% less space, and have a increased throw of 30%.]

Step 5: Optional — Add another short quote.

“INSERT QUOTE i.e Our Sun Tunnels help businesses and households save on their annual energy bills, as they use the power of natural light to illuminate living and working spaces ,” [NAME] said.

Step 6: Now add your launch details — as well as any time
limited or other incentives.

The [PRODUCT TYPE i.e Sun Tunnels will be available from [INSERT LAUNCH DATE i.e 10/02/2025] and customers who place an order before [INSERT TIME LIMITED DATE i.e 24/02/2025] will receive [INSERT INCENTIVE i.e 50% off their installation fee.]

Step 7: Add order and contact instructions

Let people know how to take action if influential people turn your piece into an article. [SunRay] are offering [INSERT DETAILS i.e a free no strings quote] to [INSERT DETAILS i.e anyone who fills out a short form at [INSERT LINK]. The company also has a [INSERT DETAILS Facebook Page at[INSERT LINK], and [INSERT CONTACT DETAILS i.e are available to answer any queries at [INSERT LINK].

Thanks for watching!

Did you find our ecommerce content templates and promotional strategies helpful?

We’d LOVE to know if you’ve tried any of our templates out — and whether they helped you boost your sales, traffic, or sign ups. Let us know which tips helped improve your content approach the most — as well as what templates you found the most useful.

We read EVERY piece of feedback we receive and continually use your opinions to improve our content — so we really want to hear what our students have to say!

We’d also like to ask you a small favour — if you found this resource useful, leave us a comment? ;)

Remember to have your templates to hand the next time you need to create content to promote your products, so you can structure all your ecommerce content to SELL.

If you follow the formats we have outlined here and apply the advice in this guide, you should soon start seeing more traffic, conversions, and sales.

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